Graphic Design
I’ve done so much that it wouldn’t fit here. This is a selection of ones I’m very proud of or I just like it more than others 🙂

Crunchy Freeze
Crunchy Freeze / cat food / 2023
Logo & packaging design.

Dietary supplements / 2024
Branding, logo, packaging design.

Mondo Vitality
Mondo Vitality / Apparel & clothing PLUS SIZE Sportswear brand aim to make comfy, figure friendly clothing for all the sizes that you may find difficult to find!
Logo incl. logo manual, corporate identity, design of e-shop.

LAMAX / Consumer Electronics Manufacturer
Lamax Electronics is a manufacturer of sports action cameras, car cameras and other small electronics.
Logo, brochure, catalogue, packaging design, appearance of cameras, decorative and promotional items.

Svoboda Press
Svoboda Press / Polygraphy
the largest printing house in the Czech Republic with more than 60 years of tradition.
Logo, corporate identity, logo manual, website design.

TrueCam / dashboard cameras
Logo, brochure, catalogue, appearance of cameras, decorative and promotional items.

UNHCR / Project RVA
I am specially proud of this project 🙂
Logo incl. logo manual, design and production of marketing aids.

Hemp Sapa
Hemp Sapa / dietary supplements, cosmetics
Is manufacturer of pharmaceutical grade CBD products.
Branding, packaging design, flyers, catalogues.

Velotrixi is a unique project founded in Berlin, Germany, in order to fulfil the original function of advertising media.
Logo, corporate identity, design and printing of marketing aids, design of sample vehicles, websites.

MISHKA / hair product / 2021
Logo & packaging design.